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    Aki Yazawa, Ph.D


    筑波大学 医学医療系

    地域総合診療医学部門 助教


    Family Medicine, General Practice and Community Health,

    Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba

    Assistant professor

  • Professional Summary




    Trained in the field of human biology and international health, my research has focused on elucidating how people adapt to social environments biologically by using biomarker data. Specifically, my research combines laboratory, anthropological, and epidemiological approaches to examine the effects of local contexts in shaping adult health through the long-term impact of early life environment on their physiology.

    Current Projects

    1. ベトナム農村部における心血管疾患の発症や早死に関連する要因の探索
      We are conducting a longitudinal survey (up to 10 years from 2020) to investigate the factors associated with the onset of cardiovascular diseases and premature death in rural Vietnam, which includes lifestyle factors (e.g., diet), social relationships, and early-life adverse experiences.

    2. 東日本大震災の長期的な健康影響の検討
      We are investigating the long-term health impact of a disaster (i.e., the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami that occurred in 2011) and detecting social factors at both individual and community levels, which are associated with resilience against the adverse impact.

    Human Ecology / Social Epidemiology / Life-course Epidemiology

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    Participatory observation + Collecting samples


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    Laboratory work

    Measuring biomarkers



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    Secondary data analysis

    See the overall trend of health transition






    2017年3月 東京大学大学院医学系研究科国際保健学専攻 博士課程修了【博士(保健学)】

    2013年3月 東京大学大学院医学系研究科国際保健学専攻 修士課程修了
    2011年4月 東京大学大学院医学系研究科国際保健学専攻入学

    2011年3月 筑波大学生物学類卒業

    2007年4月 筑波大学生物学類入学
    2006年3月 吉祥女子高等学校卒業

    1987年7月 東京都青梅市生まれ



    2024年2月〜       筑波大学医学医療系地域総合診療医学部門 助教

    2021年4月〜2024年1月   国立国際医療研究センター 疫学・予防研究部 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)


    2020年12月〜2021年3月  ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院リサーチフェロー

    2018年12月〜2020年11月 ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院リサーチフェロー 日本学術振興会海外特別研究員

    2017年4月〜2018年10月  福井大学子どものこころの発達研究センター学術研究員

    2013年度〜2015年度  日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1)



    2023     Editor’s Choice of the Issue

    Yazawa A et al. Bidirectional associations between post-traumatic stress symptoms and sleep quality

    among older survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Sleep. Oxford.


    2023     Editor’s Choice of the Issue

           Yazawa A et al. Parental absence during childhood and weight status in adulthood among middle-aged

           community dwellers in rural Vietnam. American Journal of Human Biology. Wiley.


    2023 - 2026  JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (日本学術振興会 若手研究)

            Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan. 3,500,000 JPY. PI: Yazawa A

            Application of deep learning to a Clock Drawing Test to measure cognitive function in epidemiological



    2021 - 2024  JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists(日本学術振興会 特別研究員(PD))

            Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan. 1,600,000 JPY. PI: Yazawa A

            A Life course approach to explore the social determinants of noncommunicable diseases risks in rural



    2018 - 2020   JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship(日本学術振興会 海外特別研究員)

            Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan. 55,700 USD per year. PI: Yazawa A

            Does social capital buffer the psychological stress associated with urbanization in rural China?


    2015     International Travel Award

            Yazawa A et al. The interaction of season of birth on the association between QOL and inflammation in

           China: A Cohort effect? 40th Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, St. Louis, U.S., March 2015 (Peer

            reviewed; Oral presentation)


    2014     Wiley’s News Round-Up

           Yazawa A et al. Impact of Lifestyle Changes on Stress in a Modernizing Rural Population in Hainan Island,

           China. American Journal of Human Biology. Wiley. 26(1): 36-42., 2014


    2013 - 2016  Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow (日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC1))

            Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan. 3,400,000 JPY. PI: Yazawa A 

           Diversity of health effects of urbanization in ethnic minority communities in Hainan island, China


    2010      Rookie of the Year Award

           Yazawa A et al. Identification of the protein which has reversibility of covalent modification via S-

            transarylation. FORUM 2010 Pharmaceutical Health Science/Environmental Toxicology. 2010 (Peer

            reviewed; Oral presentation in Japanese)






    Peer-reviewed journals


    44. A Fukunaga, Y Inoue, A Yazawa, TPT Pham, CQ Nguyen, DV Hoang, TV Phan, DC Phan, DV Huynh, M Hachiya, HX Le, HT Do, T Mizoue, M Jimba.

    Association of green tea consumption with prediabetes, diabetes, and markers of glucose metabolism in rural Vietnam: A cross-sectional study. (Accepted) The British Journal of Nutrition.


    43. Yazawa A, Hikichi H, Shiba K, Okuzono SS, Kondo K, Sasaki S, Kawachi I. Association of disaster-related damage with inflammatory diet among older survivors of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. (2024) The British Journal of Nutrition.


    42. Inoue Y, Yazawa A, Muto S, Odagiri Y, Miyake H, Tobayama M, Mizoue T. Association between workplace social capital and systolic blood pressure: Evidence from 367 small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan Association between workplace social capital and systolic blood pressure among 23,173 workers at 367 small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan: A cross-sectional study. (2024) BMJ Open


    41. Ando M, Yazawa A, Ichiro K. Socioeconomic disparities in mammography screening in the United States from 2012 to 2020. (2024) Social Science & Medicine


    40. Yazawa A, Shiba K, Hikichi H, Okuzono SS, Kawachi I. Bidirectional associations between posttraumatic stress symptoms and sleep quality among older survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. (2023) Sleep


    39. Tang A, Keen R, Ertel K, Beyer L, Eckert N, Mita C, Pintro K, Okuzono SS, Yazawa A, Slopen N. Parent-child separation and cardiometabolic outcomes and risk factors in adulthood: A systematic review. (2023) Psychoneuroendocrinology


    38. Okuzono SS, Wilkinson R, Shiba K, Yazawa A, VanderWeele T, Slopen N. Residential instability during adolescence and health and wellbeing in adulthood: A longitudinal outcome-wide study. (2023) Health and Place


    37. Yazawa A, Shiba K, Hikichi H, Okuzono SS, Aida J, Kondo K, Sasaki S, Kawachi I. Post-disaster mental health and dietary patterns among older survivors of an earthquake and tsunami. (2023) The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging


    36. Okuzono SS, Slopen N, Shiba K, Yazawa A, Kondo K, Kawachi I. Do adverse childhood experiences modify the association between disaster-related trauma and cognitive disability? (Accepted) American Journal of Epidemiology


    35. An DD, Inoue Y, Thuy PTP, Nguyen QC, Hoang DV, Fukunaga A, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Danh PC, Jimba M, Mizoue T, Do HT. (2022) Individual-level social capital is associated with depressive symptoms among middle-aged community dwellers in rural Vietnam: A cross-sectional study. BMJ Open


    34. Yazawa A, Kawachi I, Manandhar Shrestha R, Fukunaga A, Thi Phuong Pham T, Que Nguyen C, Van Hoang D, Cong Phan D, Hachiya M, Van Huynh D, Xuan Le H, Thai Do H, Mizoue T, Inoue Y. (2022) Parental absence during childhood and weight status in adulthood among middle-aged community dwellers in rural Vietnam. American Journal of Human Biology


    33. Shiba K, Daoud A, Hikichi H, Yazawa A, Aida J, Kondo K, Kawachi I. (2022) Uncovering heterogeneous association between disaster-related traumatic experience and subsequent functional limitation: a machine-learning approach. American Journal of Epidemiology

    32. Shiba K, Hikichi H, Okuzono SS, VanderWeele TJ, Arcaya M, Daoud A, Cowden RG, Yazawa A, Zhu D, Aida J, Kondo K, Kawachi I. (2022) Long-term Associations Between Disaster-related Home Loss and Health and Wellbeing of Older Survivors: Nine Years After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Environmental Health Perspectives


    31. Inoue Y, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Shresta R, Thuy TPP, Chau QN, Fukunaga A, Hoang DH, Hung DT, Mizoue T. (2022) Association between parental absence during childhood and depressive symptoms in adulthood in rural Vietnam. Journal of Affective Disorders

    30. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Yamamoto T, Watanabe C, Tu R, Kawachi I. (2022) Can social support buffer the association between loneliness and hypertension? PLOS ONE


    29. Yazawa A*, Shiba K*, Inoue Y, Okuzono SS, Inoue K, Kondo N, Kondo K, Kawachi I. (2022) Early childhood adversity and late-life depressive symptoms: unpacking mediation and interaction by adult socioeconomic status. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (*Equal contribution)


    28. Gero K*, Yazawa A*, Kondo N, Hanazato M, Kondo K, Kawachi I. (2022) Comparison of three indices of relative income deprivation in predicting health status. Social Science & Medicine (*Equal contribution)


    27. Yazawa A, Aida J, Kondo K, Kawachi I. (2021) Gender differences in risk of posttraumatic stress symptoms after disaster among older people: Differential exposure or differential vulnerability? Journal of Affective Disorders.


    26. Shiba K, Daoud A, Hikichi H, Yazawa A, Aida J, Kondo K, et al. (2021) Heterogeneity in cognitive disability after a major disaster: A natural experiment study. Science Advances.


    25. Inoue Y, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Aida J, Koyanagi A, Kondo N. (2021) Childhood adversities, late-life stressors and the onset of depressive symptoms in community-dwelling older adults. Aging and Mental Health.


    24. Shiba K, Yazawa A, Kino S, Kondo K, Aida J, Kawachi I. (2020) Depressive Symptoms in the Aftermath of Major Disaster: Empirical Test of the Social Support Deterioration Model Using Natural Experiment. Wellbeing, Space & Society.


    23. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Kondo N, Miyaguni Y, Ojima T, Kondo K, Kawachi I. (2020) Accuracy of self-reported weight, height and Body Mass Index among older people in Japan. Geriatrics & Gerontology International.


    22. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Tu R, Yamamoto T, Watanabe C, Kawachi I. (2020) Chronic stress and age-related pattern of blood pressure: a cross-sectional study in rural China. American Journal of Human Biology.


    21. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Cai G, Tu R, Huang M, He F, Chen J, Yamamoto T, Watanabe C. (2020) The association between family members’ migration and Epstein-Barr virus antibody titer among people left behind in rural Fujian, China. American Journal of Human Biology.


    20. Inoue Y, Howard AG, Qin B, Yazawa A, Stickley A, Gordon-Larsen P. (2019) The association between family members’ migration and cognitive function among people left behind in China. PLOS ONE.


    19. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Cai G, Tu R, Huang M, He F, Chen J, Yamamoto T, Watanabe C. (2019) Association between early parental deprivation and cellular immune function among adults in rural Fujian, China. Developmental Psychobiology.


    18. Inoue Y, Howard AG, Yazawa A, Kondo N, Gordon-Larsen P. (2019) Relative deprivation of assets defined at multiple geographic scales, perceived stress and self-rated health in China. Health and Place.


    17. Yazawa A*, Takada S*, Suzuki H, Fujisawa X T, Tomoda A. (2019) Association between parental visitation and depressive symptoms among institutionalized children in Japan: a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychiatry. (*Equal contribution)


    16. Stickley A, Koposov R, Kamio Y, Takahashi H, Koyanagi A, Inoue Y, Yazawa A, Ruchkin V. (2019) Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and future expectations in Russian adolescents. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders.


    15. Inoue Y, Howard AG, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Gordon-Larsen P. (2019) Sex and racial/ethnic differences in the association between childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptom subtypes and body mass index in the transition from adolescence to adulthood in the United States. Pediatric Obesity.


    14. Stickley A, Koyanagi A, Takahashi H, Ruchkin V, Inoue Y, Yazawa A, Kamio Y. (2018) Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and happiness among adults in the general population. Psychiatric Research.


    13. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Cai G, Tu R, Huang M, He F, Chen J, Yamamoto T, Watanabe C. (2018) Epstein-Barr virus antibody titer as a stress biomarker and its association with social capital in rural Fujian communities, China. American Journal of Human Biology.


    12. Tu R, Inoue Y, Yazawa A, Hao X, Cai G, Li Y, Lin X, He F, Yamamoto T. (2018) Social participation and the onset of hypertension among middle-aged and old population: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. Geriatrics and Gerontology International.


    11. Inoue Y, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Aida J, Kawachi I, Kondo K, Fujiwara T. (2017) Adverse childhood experiences, exposure to a natural disaster, and posttraumatic stress disorder among survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences.


    10. Fujiwara T, Takamoto I, Amemiya A, Hanazato M, Suzuki N, Nagamine Y, Sasaki Y, Tani Y, Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Shirai K, Shobugawa Y, Kondo N, Kondo K. (2017) Is a hilly neighborhood environment associated with diabetes mellitus among older people? Results from the JAGES 2010 study. Social Science & Medicine.


    9. Inoue Y, Stickly A, Yazawa A, Shirai K, Amemiya A, Kondo N, Kondo K, Ojima T, Hanazato M, Suzuki N, Fujiwara T. (2016) Neighborhood Characteristics and Cardiovascular Risk among Older People in Japan: Findings from the JAGES Project. PLOS ONE.


    8. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Fujiwara T, Stickley A, Shirai K, Amemiya A, Kondo N, Watanabe C, Kondo K. (2016) Association between social participation and hypertension among older people in Japan: the JAGES Study. Hypertension Research. 39, 818–824


    7. Stickley A, Ng CFS, Inoue Y, Yazawa A, Koyanagi A, Kodaka M, DeVylder J, Watanabe C. (2016) Birthdays are associated with an increased risk of suicide in Japan: evidence from 27,007 deaths in Tokyo in 2001-2010. Journal of Affective Disorders.


    6. Inoue Y, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Fujiwara T, Kondo K, Kondo N. (2016) Month of birth is associated with mortality among older people in Japan: Findings from the JAGES cohort. Chronobiology International.


    5. Yazawa A*, Inoue Y*, Stickley A, Li D, Du J, Watanabe C. (2015) The Effects of Season of Birth on the Inflammatory Response to Psychological Stress in Hainan Island, China. PLoS ONE 10/2015; 10(10):e0139602. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0139602 (*Equal contribution)


    4. Inoue Y, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Li D, Du J, Jin Y, Chen Y, and Watanabe C. (2015) The association between economic development, lifestyle differentiation and C-reactive protein concentration within rural communities in Hainan Island, China. American Journal of Human Biology. 08/2015; DOI:10.1002/ajhb.22771


    3. Toyama T*, Shinkai Y*, Yazawa A*, Kakehashi H, Kaji T, Kumagai Y. (2014) Glutathione-mediated reversibility of covalent modification of ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 by 1,2-naphthoquinone through Cys152, but not Lys4. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 214: 41-48. (*Equal contribution)


    2. Inoue Y, Yazawa A, Li D, Du J, Jin Y, Chen Y, Watanabe C, Umezaki M. (2014) Epstein-Barr virus titer and its association with the domain scores from the World Health Organization’s Quality of Life Questionnaire: Findings from rural Hainan province, China. American Journal of Human Biology 26(1): 51-55.


    1. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Li D, Du J, Jin Y, Chen Y, Nishitani M, Watanabe C, Umezaki M. (2014) Impact of Lifestyle Changes on Stress in a Modernizing Rural Population in Hainan Island, China. American Journal of Human Biology. 26(1): 36-42.





    3. 矢澤 亜季、友田 明美:英のいじめ低減プログラム 初のランダム化比較試験で効果を実証-Lancet、The Mainichi Medical Journal 、毎日新聞出版社、2019年6月号


    2. 矢澤亜季、滝口慎一郎、友田明美:不適切な養育(マルトリートメント)と脳、チャイルドヘルス、診断と治療社、2019年2月号 Vol.22 No.2


    1. 矢澤亜季:高齢者における社会参加と高血圧、血圧、先端医学社、2017年6月号





    Psychological impact of rural-to-urban migration on those left behind in rural Fujian, China. (東京大学大学院医学系研究科国際保健学専攻博士論文)


    Impacts of Lifestyle Changes on “Stress” in Minority Populations in Hainan Island, China. (東京大学大学院医学系研究科国際保健学専攻修士論文)






    24. Yazawa A, Kawachi I. Bidirectional associations between posttraumatic stress symptoms and sleep quality among older survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research. Portland, OR, U.S., June 13-16, 2023 (Poster)


    23. Yazawa A, Kawachi I. Association between disaster-related traumatic experiences and dietary inflammatory index among older people. Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research. Portland, OR, U.S., June 13-16, 2023 (Poster)


    22. Yazawa A, Kawachi I. Post-traumatic stress, depression, and diet among older survivors of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, Chicago, IL, U.S., June 15-17, 2022 (Poster)


    21. Yazawa A, Kawachi I. Parental absence during childhood and underweight and excess weight among middle-aged community dwellers in rural Vietnam. 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, Denver, CO, U.S., and online March 2022 (Poster)

    20. Yazawa A, Kawachi I. Gender differences in risk of post-traumatic stress symptoms after disaster: Differential exposure or differential vulnerability? Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting. Virtual, June 2021 (Poster)


    19. Yazawa A, Kawachi I. Life-course effects of childhood adversity and adult socio-economic status on depression among older people in Japan: Four-way decomposition analysis. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting. Boston MA, U.S., December 2020 (Poster)


    18. Yazawa A, Kawachi I. Money Can’t Buy Happiness: Incongruity between subjective and objective socioeconomic status and psychological well-being in rural China. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting. Boston MA, U.S., December 2020 (Poster)


    17. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Tu R, ... Kawachi I. Chronic stress and age-related blood pressure patterns: Cross-sectional findings from rural Fujian, China. 45th Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, Los Angeles CA U.S., April 2020 (Poster) *Canceled due to COVID- 19


    16. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Cai G, Tu R, He F, Yamamoto T, Watanabe C. Association between loneliness, social support and hypertension among adults in rural Fujian, China. 44th Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, Cleveland OH, U.S., March 2019 (Oral)


    15. Yazawa A, Tomoda A. The relationship between parental visitation and mental health among institutionalized children in Japan. 15th International Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry Regional International Stress and Behavior Society Conference, Yamaguchi, Japan, September 2018 (Oral)


    14. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Cai G, Tu R, He F, Yamamoto T, Watanabe C. Association between early life experience of parental deprivation and cellular immune function among adults in rural Fujian, China. 43rd Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, Austin TX, U.S., April 2018 (Poster)


    13. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Cai G, Stickley A, Tu R, He F, Zhang W, Yamamoto T, Watanabe C. Association between individual- and community-level social capital and Epstein-Barr virus antibody titer among people in rural Fujian, China. 42nd Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, New Orleans LA, U.S., April 2017 (Poster)


    12. Inoue Y, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Aida J, Kawachi I, Kondo K, Fujiwara T. Adverse childhood experiences, exposure to a natural disaster, and posttraumatic stress disorder among survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami. 42nd Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, New Orleans LA, U.S., April 2017 (Poster)


    11. 白井こころ, 藤原武男, 井上陽介, 磯博康, 雨宮愛理, 矢澤亜季, 近藤尚己, 近藤克則:物理的・心理的環境要因とCKDリスクの関連についての検討JAGES Study. 第26回日本疫学会、鳥取県(ポスター発表, P2-78, 抄録集p.137, 2016.01.23)


    10. Inoue Y, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Fujiwara T, Kondo K, Kondo N. December birth is associated with higher mortality among older people in Japan: Findings from the JAGES cohort. 41st Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, Atlanta GA, U.S., April 2016 (Poster)


    9. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Stickley A, Li D, Watanabe C.The interaction of season of birth on the association between QOL and inflammation in China: A Cohort effect? 40th Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, 2015 (Oral)


    8. Inoue Y, Yazawa A, Stickley A, Li D, Watanabe C. Activity space expansion and its association with subjective quality of life in the initial stage of economic development in rural Hainan, China. 40th Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, 2015 (Poster)


    7. Yazawa A, Inoue Y, Li D, Du J, Jin Y, Chen Y, Nishitani M, Watanabe C, Umezaki M. Impact of lifestyle changes on stress in a modernizing rural population in Hainan Island, China: the application of investment tendency index. 39th Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, 2014


    6. Inoue Y, Yazawa A, Li D, Du J, Jin Y, Chen Y, Watanabe C, Umezaki M. Epstein-Barr virus antibody titer and its association with the domain scores from the World Health Organization’s Quality of Life questionnaire. 39th Annual Meeting Human Biology Association, 2014


    5. 外山喬士、矢澤亜季、鍛冶利幸、熊谷嘉人:グルタチオンによるユビキチンC末端加水分解酵素L1の親電子修飾の可逆性. 衛生薬学・環境トキシコロジー,2013年


    4. 矢澤亜季、梅崎昌裕、井上陽介、李 丹丹、杜 建偉、渡辺知保:市場経済化の浸透による生活環境の変化とその心理ストレスへの影響-中国海南省少数民族コミュニティにおける事例-. 第77回日本民族衛生学会, 2012年


    3. Toyama T, Yazawa A, Miura T, Kakehashi H, Katayama Y, Kaji T, Kumagai Y. Glutathione releases S-arylation of ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 by 1,2-naphthoquinone; evidence for S-transarylation reaction. The 6th International Congress of Asian Society of Toxicology(仙台)2012年


    2. 外山喬士、矢澤亜季、三浦高、掛橋秀直、片山祐子、鍜冶利幸、熊谷嘉人:グルタチオンは1,2-NQによる UCH-L1の化学修飾をS-トランスアリール化により解除する.第39回日本毒性学会学術年会,2012年


    1. 矢澤亜季、岩本典子、安孫子ユミ、浅井聡、三浦高、新開泰弘、熊谷嘉人:S-トランスアルキル化を介した親電子修飾の自己制御タンパク質の同定. 衛生薬学・環境トキシコロジー,2010



    If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me!









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